Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can I be friends with my drug dealer?

I think my dealer wants to be my friend (or maybe he just wants to sleep with me.) Is this a conflict of interest, or should I cultivate this relationship?

To give a bit of history, I've been "dealing" with him for over 2 years now, and we've always been friendly; I make it a point to chat for at least a few minutes before I hightail it out of his place (and "hightail" is the right word - relief doesn't come much sweeter than the relief of a successfully negotiated coke exchange.) But lately, he's been more and more chatty, and just the other night, I got a rambling 2am "what's up" message from him that made me just a tad apprehensive. Is my interest in his coke translating in his mind to an interest in him? I've always paid full price... is there some etiquette here I'm missing? Come on... I'm just a naive white girl from the suburbs. Any help?


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't recommend it personally. Although if you rebuff him too often he may sour on you as a customer. Tough call.

Anonymous said...

i agree, keep it business. there's an imbalance of power there and too much potential for it becoming a "pay to play" situation. it's also a losing proposition for him, either you'll become unwilling to pay, or you'll get over his come-ons and find another lead.

Anonymous said...

i agree, keep it business. there's an imbalance of power there and too much potential for it becoming a "pay to play" situation.

I'm the Girl You Met Last Night said...

Thanks for the advice T and anonymous... So far I've tried to keep it cordial but detached. it IS a fine line. Unfortunately there's no Emily Post on drug etiquette...!

Anonymous said...

dont be his friend.. just be a pal.. the next step is a nasty one.. i know because i used to be the dealer and i know what he is thinking.

Anonymous said...

She's not stupid. She's a degenerate hipster. There's a difference.

I wish someone would spike New York's coke supply with Thorazine. That'd solve a lot of problems.

I'm the Girl You Met Last Night said...

I'm leaving these last two up, because I think it's funny that 1)the first one is calling me stupid and yet he/she is the one improperly using the word "your" and 2) I don't live in New York, which I've made very clear.